Saturday, September 25, 2021

How to recover if Azure Data Factory AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime become corrupted?

I would like to share my recent experience with Azure Data Factory (ADF) where AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime become corrupted and how to fix it. I still don't know how the Integration Runtime (IR) is corrupted and don't expect this may happen to you but if it happens then this article will help you to solve the issue.

Problem statement:

In general, the ADF AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime should look like below fig 1.

Fig 1: AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime in Azure

As shown in figure 2, I found in ADF AutoResolve IR has been changes from ‘Public’ to ‘Managed Virtual Network” and Status of the IR said "Failed to get status" under the master branch.

Fig 2: Corrupted AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime

I was shocked, was not aware of any code changes that may impact AutoResolve IR. Due to AutoResolve IR corruption release pipeline stopped working, hence we were not able to push new changes to PROD.

Identify the Issue:

After looking into the DevOps code repo, as found below fig 3 is shown extra code has been added to the original code.

Fig 3:  Managed virtual network section has been added


Delete the below code as shown above fig 3 from the DevOps. This part of code changed the AutoResolve IR's Sub-type from 'Public' to 'Managed Virtual Network'.

"managedVirtualNetwork": {

After deleting the part of the code from master branch, the issue seems resolved but not completely. As shown below fig 4, the IR changes back from 'Managed Virtual Network' to 'Public', however; still the status is showing error message.

Fig 4: Status still showing error 

At this stage, release pipeline started working means I was able push the changes to  PROD. However; I wanted to see error message disappear. To clean the error message I had to delete the AutoResolve IR code as shown below fig 5. To do so, logged into the Azure DevOps and have chosen the master branch and then under integrationRuntime folder there were two files one is AutoResolve IR and other one is selfhosted IR, I have deleted AutoResolve IR file.

Fig 5: Remove AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime from DevOps

After the file is deleted, checked ADF portal and then refresh it found the error is completely gone. So anytime you find AutoResolve IR is corrupted from your master branch you know how to fix it.