Thursday, August 20, 2015

PERIOD: An useful function in Teradata

Let’s start with an example where a table is defined with a column with the type PERIOD.  PERIOD data type in Teradata can hold two dates or two time stamps. To ease your date and time calculation PERIOD can play a big role. The below example will show university students’ enrollment history with sample data. 

We created a table where column 'Enrolled_period' is defined as PERIOD type.

CREATE MULTISET TABLE person_University_period (
  person_id        INTEGER                          NOT NULL,
  University_Name varchar(40)                          NOT NULL,

PRIMARY INDEX (person_id);

And insert some dummy data in the table:

Insert into TD8245.person_University_period
Values(24568,'Gothenburg University', PERIOD(DATE '2007-08-09',DATE '2009-08-25'));

Insert into TD8245.person_University_period
Values(24569,'Gothenburg University', PERIOD(DATE '2009-07-09',DATE '2011-06-25'));

Data looks like below:

Fig 1 : Student's enrollment data

From the above table we can see Enrolled_period holds start date and end date. Lets see different type of operation you can do on Enrolled_period field.

e.g. you to know how many months or year or hour student is enrolled to the university. To find out that you don't need to do use any formula. PERIOD can find out months or year or day from the column 'enrolled_period'. Below Syntax will find out the number of months the students have studied.

Select INTERVAL(Enrolled_period) MONTH as enrolled_month from person_University_period

Fig 2: Number of months studied by students

At the same way you can calculate interval in day, hour, minutes and seconds. 

From the above 'enrolled_period' column you may need to find out start date, so syntax goes like:

select begin(Enrolled_period) as Enrolled_dt from person_University_period

And to find end date SQL will be:

select END(Enrolled_period) as Enrolled_dt from person_University_period

This period function is helpful when you consider banking operation, e.g. you open a bank account and you should have account opening date and closing date. Generally in the database table we make  two fields to serve the purpose which are Effective date and End date.

Instead of using two fields in the table, we can use one column that can hold both start and end date and calculation on two dates or time stamp become easier.

As an example:

  'Paul Sandal',

Result will look like below:

Account_number Account_Name      Account_Period
21222250        Paul Sandal              ('2015-08-20','9999-12-31')

Fig 3: Date with current and until changed

Here, UNTIL_CHANGED set date as '9999-12-31'. If the account is updated for any reason; then the date '9999-12-31' will be updated with the date which account get updated.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Teradata DBC : Easy way to get DDL of views, tables and macros!!

 As a database developer you may need to take back up of DDL of views, macros and tables for a particular database that you are working on. Or when your development work is done then you need to move table/macro structure (DDL) from development environment to test and test to production.

And those cases, how do you move DDL from Development environment to Test environment and test to Production?

You can copy DDL from database one by one and then paste it to a document to save it and then forward the document to the DBA to execute your DDL in Test or Production environment.

 If you would like to copy DDL of the table then you do like below:

Fig 1: Manually copy DDL one by one

If you have twenty(20) tables, 10 macros or 5 views then you have to do the above action 35 times which is time consumable, error prone and boring tasks.

Then, what could be the better way to do it?

You can use DBC to get DDL of views, macros and tables for one particular database by using below SQL:

select * from dbc.tables where databasename='Customer_Service'

order by TableKind desc

Result look like below:

Fig 2: DBC result set

From the above result set (Fig 2),  you will find a column named RequestText that holds DDL for all elements exist in the database.

To find DDL for table; SQL will look like below:

Select RequestText from dbc.tables where tablekind='T' and databasename='Customer_Service'

tablekind=T means table
tablekind=V means views
tablekind=M means macro

By changing tablekind column's value you can get DDL for different object in the database.